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Morgan Dulian has the compassion, credentials and commitment to be an excellent school board member. Our schools are facing double jeopardy from uncertain funding at the state and local level and a declining school-aged population. Morgan has a deep understanding of these linked challenges and knows how to work with all stakeholders to find the best available solutions.

Morgan’s compassion is rooted in her history of service to our community through work with many non-profits and a personal concern for her own children’s future. She has served on the boards of Fairbanks Montessori School, Alaska Chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals, Rotary Club of Fairbanks, and 100+ Golden Women Who Care. Serving on the School Board would align with Morgan's spirit of giving back to the community.

Her credentials are evidenced by several academic degrees, a 16-year career as a professional fundraiser, and as a leader of nonprofits. On the School Board she'll bring her professional experience in strategic planning, budgeting, and relationship building to address our schools’ financial crisis. 

Morgan’s commitment to serve is demonstrated by her work as a SPED aide at Woodriver Elementary School and her leadership in standing up the Golden Heart Strong campaign to find critically needed funding for our schools. On the school board she'll advocate for an increase to the BSA and a long-term, more equitable funding plan from our state.

We are grateful for Morgan Dulian’s willingness to serve on the school board and proud to endorse her campaign.

— Linda Schandelmeier & John Davies
Linda is a former FNSBSD teacher and winner of the NSF Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching, and a published and award-winning poet. John is a former State Seismologist, former State Representative, former FNSB Assemblymember, and former member of the UA Board of Regents.

Morgan Dulian will be an exceptional advocate for our children's education while putting the correct educational priorities into the budget. I have seen and experienced how Morgan is able to work with all parties that make up the components of education. She is exactly what Fairbanks needs. 

I endorse Morgan Dulian for the Fairbanks North Star Borough School District Board of Education, Seat B.

— David Pruhs
Mayor, City of Fairbanks

I am proud to endorse Morgan Dulian for the school board. Morgan's proven leadership experience, deep understanding of budgets, and extensive work with grants and non-profits make her an exceptional candidate. As a non-profit board president during COVID, she navigated difficult decisions under immense pressure, demonstrating her ability to lead inclusively and support parents, students, educators, and community members alike.

I appreciate Morgan's sense of humor, her understanding of what being a working parent of three children means, her ability to listen to understand, and her choice to take positive action rather than complain and tear others down. That's not who Morgan is at all and it's why we need her voice and disposition on our Board. Morgan is dedicated to building community and fostering unity, even when making critical decisions. She has a comprehensive understanding of the economic challenges our district faces, how our Borough and State fund and support education, and how our resources are utilized.

Additionally, Morgan has a solid background in developing strategic plans, ensuring long-term success and sustainability. Her commitment to providing excellent school choices for our kids is unwavering, and she recognizes the hard work staff in all of our schools do to prepare students for the future. Morgan has vision and looks forward, not focusing on negativity or the past. As a community builder, not divider,

Morgan Dulian will step into the role of a board member fully prepared to work hard for all of us. Choosing to step into politics and run for a school board position takes courage, and Morgan has demonstrated over the last year that she is ready to do this hard work. Her vision, dedication, and experience make her the ideal candidate to ensure our schools, and our students, thrive.

— Shaun Kraska
lifelong Fairbanksan, retired FNSBSD Educator 30 years, 2016 Alaska Principal of the Year, President Fairbanks Montessori, Realtor®, NSCF Volunteer Coach, State of Alaska Mentor Principal

Morgan recognizes the most important and dire issuing facing the school district….the fiscal crisis. For far too long the can of fiscal despair has been kicked down the road and problems have compounded. The borough residents and businesses have had to provide more funding despite claims of cuts having been made. Fairbanks needs a person with a high level of financial knowledge, a high motivation and desire to identify problems and craft the solutions, a strong willingness to listen and work well with others, and an unwavering commitment to the students. Morgan has them all. I cannot recall having a local candidate with such passion and commitment in my lifetime. She is a rare and desirable candidate. I look forward to working with her to help resolve the problems our school district is facing. — Andrew Ault
Life long Fairbanksan

Recently I had the opportunity to meet Morgan Dulian, a candidate for the Fairbanks North Star
Borough School Board. It didn’t take me long to realize this mother of three young children is
someone very special and different from many other candidates who file for public office. I
cannot remember a candidate for any local office that has impressed me more with their
understanding of the issues that confront them, their enthusiasm for the challenge and their
willingness to work hard to change things for the better.

The thing about Morgan’s campaign that is so different from other campaigns is her willingness
to engage with people who have different views on how to solve our educational differences.
She truly cares about providing our kids with the best public education possible.

Lastly, what I see in Morgan Dulian is her ability to make a difference in advocating for changes
in how the State of Alaska funds education. While we can certainly make changes at the local
school district level to improve education for our students, efforts need to be made in
cooperation with other organized boroughs and school districts to demand adequate and
reliable educational funding from the Alaska Legislature. Morgan Dulian has the leadership
qualities we need and that is why I endorse Morgan Dulian for School Board.

— Jim Sampson
Fairbanks North Star Borough Mayor 1991-1997

I am so pleased to give my endorsement for Morgan Dulian for our school board. Her passion, energy and positive attitude augment her intelligence in studying the challenges and issues we are faced with. She works well with others and listens, looking for solutions. Please join me in supporting Morgan Dulian for School Board! — Sue Wilken
Mother of four, grandmother of 6; past FNSB School Board Member and President; past State Board of Education member

I am writing to express my support for Morgan Dulian’s candidacy for the Fairbanks North Star Borough Board of Education.

Morgan is a dedicated individual who consistently works to bring people together, is open to different perspectives, and tirelessly seeks solutions that benefit the whole community.

As a person of faith, I believe it is crucial for our leaders to embody principles of unity, understanding and empathy. As a Christian woman, Morgan’s commitment to fostering collaboration aligns with my values and vision for harmony and respect in our community.

The Book of Romans 12:18 says, “If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.” Morgan exemplifies this spirit by actively listening to diverse viewpoints, seeking common ground, and striving to find consensus-driven solutions that serve the common good. Her ability to bridge divides, promote understanding, and work toward unity reflects her belief in the power of reconciliation and community building.

I believe that Morgan’s leadership on the school board will bring a fresh perspective and a deep commitment to ensuring that all voices are heard and valued. Her dedication to creating a more harmonious and collaborative educational environment will benefit the students, educators, and the wider Fairbanks community. Furthermore, I know that Morgan will do the hard work to do what is financially best for the district and what is best for kids.

I urge my fellow Fairbanks families to support Morgan Dulian in her candidacy for Board of Education Seat B on Oct. 1.

Together, let us embrace her vision of unity, openness and hard work as we work toward a brighter future for our schools and our community. — Jeanine Griek

I have known Morgan since we were coworkers at a Fairbanks elementary school in 2014. Back then, it was obvious that her passion for positive student outcomes ran deep. Today, it's obvious that nothing has changed. I know that Morgan will continue to do what's needed to bring the school district successfully into the future. She has my full support! — Lisa Villano
Public School teacher

As a recently retired teacher with 35 years of experience in the Fairbanks North Star Borough School District, I am writing to express my support for Morgan Dulian for school board. Morgan possesses the qualities to lead our schools toward a brighter future.

One of Morgan’s greatest assets is her remarkable ability to listen to all points of view. She spent her summer going door to door to hear diverse perspectives from our community because she understands the importance of creating an inclusive learning environment for all students. Her commitment to hearing the voices of educators, parents and students alike is a quality that is needed in our educational leadership.

Equally impressive is Morgan’s unwavering dedication to equitable education for all students. She has studied the disparities in our education system and is experienced in implementing policies that address these inequalities. As a former special education educator, Morgan’s passion for ensuring that every student has access to a high-quality education makes her an ideal candidate to champion the needs of all.

Morgan’s expertise in managing large and complex budgets through her day job is another crucial asset our school board needs. With declining education funding and increasing financial pressures, having a board member with proven financial management skills is essential to ensuring that resources are allocated effectively to our students in our schools.


I wholeheartedly endorse Morgan Dulian for school board. Her listening ability, dedication to equitable education, and financial acumen make her the ideal candidate to lead our schools. I urge the community to support Morgan and vote for her on Oct. 1.

— Lori Mertes
Retired FNSBSD Educator (served 35 years)

Morgan is whip smart and works hard! She's experienced with budgeting and strategic plans. I've seen her build community, bridge divides and bring people together. She is dedicated to strengthening our education system for all kids. I am excited to support my friend Morgan Dulian for School Board in the October 1 election.  — Lael Oldmixon

Morgan is an honest, straightforward person that values community. As a mom and teacher, I appreciate her passion for public education and her focus on the budget. She knows tough decisions will have to be made in order to improve our district, and I trust her to do the hard work of bringing people together to get stuff done. I encourage Fairbanksans to get to know my friend Morgan and cast their vote for her on October 1st! — Laura Cartier Miller

Morgan Dulian is an excellent candidate for school board Seat B. I have spoken with her several times about her candidacy, and I find her knowledgeable and passionate about working on behalf of Fairbanks families. As we know, our district continues to face funding challenges, and we need people like Morgan to work on behalf of us. I encourage all parents in our district to vote for Morgan as the best choice for school board Seat B.

Join me in voting Morgan Dulian for school board on Oct. 1. — Lili Misel

Morgan's experience, intelligence, passion, and commitment to the greater Fairbanks community and student outcomes make her an ideal fit for the FNSB School Board. Morgan has shown that she cares about this community and its people and will put in the hard work necessary to listen, understand the issues completely, find common ground in the community, and work with others towards shared goals. I wholeheartedly endorse Morgan Dulian for the Fairbanks North Star Borough School District Board of Education. — Bobby Burgess
FNSB School Board Member

Morgan thoroughly understands how to balance being a fulltime working mom with three young children and a husband. She knows how to raise money and in her career she's made a big difference for non-profits (like schools and education) in Fairbanks. Busy as she is, we need Morgan on our school board, just as we need to raise the BSA (Base Student Allocation) for all public schools in Alaska. — Don & Carolyn Gray
A.B. Stanford-(anthropology); M.A. Stanford-(education). Retired: Tchr.-History/ Lathrop HS 23yrs; Broker-Morgan Stanley-Dean Witter 9+yrs; Wedbush-Morgan 3 yrs..

I recently finished my 10th year as a substitute teacher. I'm a retired public employee (Research Analyst DNR) and a Laborer's Local 942 retiree. I am happy to support Morgan Dulian whose progressive vision and leadership is sorely needed in the Fairbanks community. — Michael E Welsh
I am a substitute teacher with FNSBSD.

Our schools need a passionate leader like Morgan Dulian on the board. Morgan's dedication to education is unmatched. She consistently advocates for our students and teachers, with a proven track record of co-sponsoring Proposition A to fund our schools. Morgan's vision is clear: academic excellence, equitable resources, and a safe and inclusive environment for all. She understands the challenges our schools face but also see the opportunities. Morgan will bring fresh ideas and collaborative leadership to the table. Morgan listens, builds bridges, and leads with integrity. These are the qualities we need on the school board. I have no doubt Morgan Dulian will be a champion for our students, educators, and community. Let's make a positive difference together! Join me in supporting Morgan Dulian for the School Board! — Bonnie Jo Largen
Geoffry Wildridge

PAID FOR BY: Morgan Dulian for School Board, 2161 Yellow Leaf Court, Fairbanks, AK 99709
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