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Full-Time Working Mom


Experienced Community Leader


Dedicated to Working Hard for Our Kids & Their Futures


Morgan and her kids - ages 8, 6 and 4.



Mom of two public-school kids and one preschooler in the Fairbanks North Star Borough.

Fairbanksan since 2013 after meeting her homegrown, golden-hearted husband, Haakon.



Alaska Journal of Commerce Top 40 Under 40, Class of 2022

FNSB School District Facility Utilization Focus Team, 2024

FEA Friend of Education Award Recipient, 2024

Rotary Club of Fairbanks Board Member and General Member, 2016 - current

Fairbanks Montessori School Board of Directors President,  2020 - 2022

100+ Golden Heart Women Who Care Organizing Committee, 2021 - current

Association of Fundraising Professionals Alaska Chapter Board Member, 2022 - current



9-years experience

Securing private support for public education in Alaska and the Arctic.

M. A. in Nonprofit Management
Regis University, Denver, CO, Class of 2012

B. A. in Communication

University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, Class of 2005

Certified Fundraising Executive

CFRE (professional credential) since 2021


Morgan giving away 2,000 pre-loved children's books at the 2024 Golden Days Parade - winner of Best Political Float


Make Responsible Money Choices

Did you know our schools are facing a $20-million+ deficit next year? I will work for a responsible budget. I can talk about money in a respectful, calm, professional way - it's what I do for work.
This will include making difficult decisions about capacity and deferred maintenance at our neighborhood schools. And fighting for budget transparency.  

Support our Constitutional Right to Public Education 

I am fighting for excellent public education to ensure America’s and Alaska’s success, economy, ingenuity, and future.

Excellent education starts with reliable funding from our State. And responsible planning from our School Board.


Lead with Hard Work and Thoughtfulness

 Closing a $20-million deficit in one year will require the Board to make changes that will impact us all. This includes closing multiple schools, redistricting, and adjusting transportation routes. I will work hard—with thoughtfulness, and a calm voice—to bring people together through these extraordinary challenges.

Strengthen Our Community by Prioritizing Student Success

Outmigration is a problem for our state. Strong public schools attract new families and give people a reason to stay—and strengthen—Alaska
I will work hard to provide Fairbanks and North Pole kids excellent public schools so that they can thrive. With a responsible budget and measurable goals, and by prioritizing programs that drive student success - like STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, and math), career and technical education, literacy, and small class sizes.


Thank you for taking the time to learn more about me, and why I'm running for School Board. I am committed to the hard work ahead steadfast in my commitment to fighting for stronger public schools, including options that meet the needs of all students in our great community. I have unwavering faith in America's promise and Alaska's constitutional right for public education

In 2023, I built an education nonprofit foundation in Fairbanks that strengthens northern communities and universities across the Arctic through collaboration. The world is shifting its focus towards the Arctic, and our students are uniquely positioned to be leaders in business, industry, policy, health, the trades and the arts. But to offer opportunities for students to thrive, we need to strengthen our schools. And to strengthen our schools we need to address a massive budget crisis, unstable funding from the State, and find ways to lower class-sizes, retain good teachers, and invest in the programs like sports, art, music, and STEM.

Even in the face of all these challenges, I choose to look at the opportunities and take action. Why? It's personal to me. I'm a mom of three kids who are just starting elementary school in Fairbanks. My family has deep roots here. At the end of each day I need to be able to tell my kids that I'm doing everything I can to provide them with bright futures. Bright futures start with great educational opportunities, which is why I am running for School Board. 

As the 5-year strategic planning process for our school district begins this fall, I will bring nonprofit board experience, thoughtful leadership and fiscal responsibility to the Board. Change is not easy. Working with people with different viewpoints takes dedication and time. But I respect different viewpoints. Our differences make us stronger, together. I believe we can work-together to forge a path to excellence. It would be my honor to serve on the FNSB School Board.

Please vote for me, Morgan Dulian, on Oct. 1, or during early voting Sept. 16 - 26

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PAID FOR BY: Morgan Dulian for School Board, 2161 Yellow Leaf Court, Fairbanks, AK 99709
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